BREKO Academy: with its BREKO WinterSchool 23

The Mannheim Business School is part of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Mannheim, which looks back on a tradition of more than 100 years and is considered the clear first address in the German-speaking world when it comes to training future business leaders. The Mannheim Business School (MBS) bundles all activities of the University of Mannheim in the field of management education and is one of the leading institutions of its kind in Europe.

Its range of offerings includes MBA and Executive MBA programmes, specialised Master's programmes, open courses as well as tailor-made continuing education solutions for companies. Mannheim's success factors are research and teaching at top international level, internationality, practical orientation and consistent quality management. Mannheim Business School was the first German institution to be accredited by AACSB.

The BREKO SummerSchool will go into the 5th round from 23 to 27 August 2021 and will propose an highly interesting and practically relevant intensive seminar for telecommunications executives exclusively.

The seminar is designed for network operators as well as service providers and hardware and software suppliers.

Melden Sie sich jetzt für das Summer School Spezial: Recht und Regulierung an!

Hier finden Sie das aktuelle Schulungsprogramm:


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Motel One Mannheim

Paradeplatz O2 1-10, 68161 Mannheim

Website Motel One Mannheim

BREKO in English

Unfortunately, this page is only available in German at the moment. You can find information about BREKO in English at BREKO European Office.