BREKO regional groups
Baden-Württemberg Landesgruppe
Bayern Landesgruppe
Nord-Ost Berlin Landesgruppe
Nord-Ost Brandenburg Landesgruppe
Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg Landesgruppe
Hessen Landesgruppe
Nord-Ost Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Landesgruppe
Niedersachsen Landesgruppe
Nordrhein-Westfalen Landesgruppe
Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland Landesgruppe
Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland Landesgruppe
Sachsen Landesgruppe
Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen Landesgruppe
Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg Landesgruppe
Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen
Contact information
Jan Simons
- Head of State and Local Politics, Member Support
- Head Office Bonn
Oliver Ulke
- Deputy Head of Regional Policy, GAIA-X Project Manager
- Head Office Bonn
Sabrina-Maria Geißler
- Bindeglied zwischen den Landesgruppen und dem BREKO Vorstand
- wittenberg-net
Member information:
"Kartellrechtliche Leitlinien BREKO e.V." (antitrust guidelines)
Fibre deployment is regional and project-based. That's why it is all the more important to discuss opportunities and challenges on a regional level.
With our regional groups, we create this opportunity for BREKO network operators. Through regular meetings and exchanges with political stakeholders at local and state level, the regional groups help to locally create the best conditions for fibre optic rollout as well as for sharing experiences.
With our regional groups' representatives, we have direct contact points for politicians and members on site. In addition to regular internal meetings, the regional groups organize other events, such as parliamentary breakfasts, and participate in round tables and fibre optic pacts.