Ihre Suche nach "quality"
Gridsz is the developer of a fully integrated, multi-level SaaS platform that helps telco companies simplify every aspect of managing their physical fiber network. This telco network resource management platform automates the entire spectrum of commercial and administrative processes across all telco layers. With seamless API integration and adherence to the Business Process Framework eTOM and PSR standards, Gridsz delivers unmatched efficiency and reduced operational costs.
FttH network Enhance ROI of the fiber network network resource management TM Forum PSR compliant Bodegraven , Niederlande
Kontron, d. o. o. is the leading European provider of customised and sustainable fibre-access solutions. Known as Iskratel until 2023, the member of Kontron Group develops and manufactures high-quality OLTs and CPE in its own innovation and production centres, including at the headquarters in Slovenia, and supports customers in more than fifty countries worldwide.
OLT ONT CPE PON Solutions SDA Solution Fibre-Access Solution. Lumia Innbox Kranj , Slovenija
Setics SA
Setics is a independent firm specialising in the design and management of high-speed Broadband networks (FTTH) projects in France, in Europe and abroad. We also develop and commercialize Setics Sttar, an innovative software for FTTx network design and optimization (FTTH, FTTC, FTTla etc.) that speeds up, cut costs and improve quality during the design phases.
Sipfront GmbH
Sipfront betreut weltweit mittelständische Unternehmen und Konzerne in den Kernbereichen aktives Ende-zu-Ende Telekom-Testing und Monitoring. Unternehmen wie T-Mobile Austria der Deutschen Telekom AG, VSE NET, der VSE AG,, Pascom sowie sipgate sind von uns überzeugt. Welches Angebot bietet Dir Sipfront?
VoIP Monitoring aktives Testing SaaS MOS Bandbreite Qualitätssicherung Quality Assurance Qualität APP Testing WebRTC Alarming PBX Zertifizierung Load Testing Penetrationtesting SIP RTP 5G Automatisierung Wien-Flughafen , Österreich
Skylane Optics
Skylane Optics, a subsidiary of the Amphenol Group, is a supplier of transceivers for all telecommunications networks. We offer an extensive portfolio for enterprise, access, metro, mobile and core-long distance networks as well as for data centers and smart home applications networks. Our offerings are characterized by premium quality and performance. In combination with strong technical support, we allow our customers to build cost-optimized and sustainable networks.
Optical transceiver Fiber Edfamux quality OEM Compatibility Coding Expert satisfaction service reliability Data Center 400G Fraire , Belgique